What is the HSBP?

  • The High School & Beyond Plan, a graduation requirement, helps students get the most out of high school and think about their future. Students work with school counselors and advisors to create their own individual plan, the “personalized pathway", throughout high school and revise their plan annually to accommodate changing interests or postsecondary goals on what they expect to do the year following graduation from high school.

    The postsecondary aspirations may include pathways for application to four-year colleges or universities, two-year community or technical colleges, apprenticeship programs, industry standard certificate programs, military training, or on-the-job training.

    What are the elements of a High School and Beyond Plan?

    A law passed in 2017 (ESHB 2224, Chapter 31, Laws of 2017) that specifies elements that all HighSchool and Beyond Plans must contain. The required elements include the following:

    • an identification of career goals, aided by a skills and interest assessment;
    • an identification of educational goals;
    • a four-year plan for course-taking that fulfills state and local graduation requirements and aligns with the student's career and educational goals;
    • and by the end of twelfth grade, a current resume or activity log that provides a written compilation of the student's education, any work experience, and any community service and how the school district recognized the community service.

    In addition, the High School and Beyond Plan must also:

    • be revised as necessary for changing interests, goals, and needs of the student.
    • include a personalized pathway course plan that aligns with graduation requirements and post-high school plans.
    • identify available interventions and academic support, courses, or both, that enable students who have not met the high school graduation assessment standards to do so.
    • be advised for an 8th grade student who has not learned a Level 3 on middle school state assessment in math, the student must take a math course in both 9th and 10th grades.
    • for a student who takes a career and technical education (CTE) course that has been determined to be equivalent to an academic core course (a CTE course equivalency), including a record of a
      certificate of CTE course completion. The academic course is recorded on the students' transcript and the record that the student completed a CTE course is part of the High School and Beyond
    • for students subject to the 24-Credit Graduation Requirements (the Class of 2019 and beyond, or, for districts that have a waiver to delay implementation, the Class of 2020 or 2021 and beyond), guide a student’s Personalized Pathway Requirement. A Personalized Pathway is a  locally determined body of coursework that is deemed necessary to attain the post-secondary career or educational goals chosen by the student. Within the 24-credit graduation requirement framework, the Personalized Pathway Requirements are three flexible credits that are chosen by students that help prepare the student for specific educational or career goals.