• Board of Directors

    Board Meeting Packets

    The Lind and Ritzville School boards meet on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Even month meetings are held in the Lind-Ritzville High School Collaboration Room in Ritzville. Odd month meetings are held in the Lind-Ritzville Middle School Collaboration Room in Lind. Finance meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. by each district in close proximity to the school board meeting on the same night.

    Please direct any questions you may have to the district office in Ritzville (509)659-1660 or Lind (509)677-3499.


    School Board Vacancy Openings

    The Ritzville School Board has one vacancy on their board. The Directors would like to reach out to the community and request letters of interest from members of the district that would like to serve on the board.

    The open position is available to all persons within the district they are in. Please submit a letter to the Board of Directors to be reviewed and discussed at their next available meeting. 
    If you have any questions about the position, please reach out to the District Offices in
    Lind or Ritzville for more information.

    LRCS Board Complaint/Concerns-Communication Protocol  Click Here

    Beginning in August of 2021, the governing bodies of both the Lind and Ritzville School Districts are going back to meeting on the fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m.  School board meetings in the even months are held in the Lind-Ritzville High School Collaboration Room.  In the odd months, meetings are held in the cafeteria at the Lind-Ritzville Middle School.  Finance meetings are held by each district in close proximity to the school board meeting at 6:00 p.m. on the same night.  Please direct any questions you may have to the district office in Ritzville 509-659-1660 or in Lind 509-677-3499.