• 4th and 5th Grade Puberty Education


    This year the district is not holding a Sexual Health or Puberty lesson for our 4th and 5th grade. We do however feel the information is valuable and would like to share it with you so you can use it to help teach your child about their changing bodies. Below are the links to the  Always Changing and Growing Up videos. Usually in 4th grade we separate the students boys and girls and only show them their gender video. In 5th grade they watch the co-ed video as a whole class. This year we are asking that you view the videos, choose the appropriate one for your family, and then watch it with your child, answering any questions they might have.

    These videos help children understand the physical and emotional changes they may experience during puberty and acknowledges that these changes are a normal part of growth and development. They also stress the importance of hygiene and how it is their responsibility to maintain good hygiene. The female video explains the cycle of a period and how to manage that change.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your students building principal.


    Links for videos:

    Always Changing - Puberty Education for Girls - Click Here

    Always Changing and Growing Up - Puberty Education for Boys - Click Here

    Always Changing & Growing Up - Co-Ed Puberty Education - Click Here