Welcome to the Lind Ritzville Cooperative Schools
Financial Information PageOne of the federal requirements of the Local Education Agency's accepting AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN (ARP)-ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND grants (ESSER III) is to create a plan that outlines how the funds will be used. Here are the grant applications noting the requirements as well as each District's Spending Plan for the funds. There were two applications per district, one was for 20% of the funding allowed and the other was for 80%.
Ritzville ARP-ESSER 80% Spending Plan
Ritzville ARP-ESSER 20% Spending Plan
Lind ARP-ESSER 80% Spending Plan
Lind ARP-ESSER 20% Spending Plan
SY 2022-23 Budget Information
2022-23 Ritzville Budget Packet
This page will be updated when new opportunities or reports are available for your review. We look forward to sharing this information with you and keeping you updated on your schools' financial status, needs and expectations.